Monday, February 13, 2012

Chris Stedman: Interfaith Avenger

My man Chris has been keeping busy this past week, as Harvard's 2012 Interfaith Awareness Week off to a running start. Packed with speakers, panels and everything in-between, the event sounds like a rousing good time. I eagerly await a write-up either from Chris or one of the NPS panelists.

Also, check out these awesome Avengers-inspired LEGO toys. This could be the greatest thing of all time, ever, and when I say "could be," I mean "is definitely."


  1. Both things sound like they are going to be an excellent time. I look forward to seeing what you post in response to the Awareness Week event.

    For one of my other classes I am writing a paper about a much older interfaith advocate. His name Is Jean Leclercq. He is the one who brought monastic studies into the spotlight and helped found an organization that specifically encourages a dialogue between Christian and Buddhist Monks

    Are you going to get the leggos? ^_^ It would be cool to see those things in person.
