Monday, March 26, 2012

If you would...

...please read my posted PI essay on Inter-Faitheist Activist Chris Stedman and tell me what you think about it below!


  1. Fun to read, and quite informative as well. You show readers, including religious folk, why they should care about faitheism. Hopefully we all can sit and have that beer with out the punch line... or punching!

  2. You did a really good job of bringing out Stedman’s personality using life experiences. I felt like I was walking right along side of him through these moments. I can really see and understand what has shaped him to become the man he is today.

    The line “The good life is a life together, different in word while the same in values and works: The life together is a life of working together” really had my mind firing. It’s so true and well said. Everybody spends so much time arguing over what they view as truth, when in reality we are all trying to live a good life and accomplish similar goals. The bickering unfortunately never ends. I wish it would!

    Lastly, I enjoyed that you have no questioning at all on your own views even after reading Stedman for half the semester. That’s strong faith and really respectable.

  3. Trevor, this was such an interesting piece to read. I have read a lot of his articles for Huffington Post but I never really looked into his other passions or his personality. You do a great job at using personal, relatable experiences to explain what on the outside might look like a lot of contradictions. He is certainly admirable in his convictions and willingness to engage in dialogue with others. I'm not surprised you picked him!
