Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm back FROM the future!

Well, it's been a while since I last posted.

I've been keeping busy with Spring Awakening rehearsals - I'll be portraying Georg at the end of the week - and haven't had a ton of time otherwise.

If my twitter feed tells me anything useful, and I hope it does, my man Chris has been keeping busy a well, with international conferences and the like. Very cool stuff.

Unfortunately, that also means he hasn't had the time to get back to me about an interview through Twitter, so I'll have to try another way.

Email may well have to suffice. How boring, right?


  1. How did you make out with the Catholic Church's appreciation of atheism in Gaudium et Spes? Jphn Paul also wrote something direct: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/audiences/alpha/data/aud19850612en.html

    Also recommended is to search for the term atheism at our favorite periodical--Commonweal!

    Fortunately, I believe you are going to get a chance to interview Chris. Good luck!

  2. Sorry you haven't heard back from Chris Stedman, but on another note, AWESOME job in Spring Awakening. I'm not going to lie, I felt a little uncomfortable watching sometimes, but that's what theater is supposed to do right? Overall, though, I really enjoyed the show and your performance was great! What a voice you have! Please, pass on my congratulations to the rest of the cast and crew and good luck with your performance-filled weekend!
